who we are
Welcome to
Sri Venkateshwaraa University
Sri Venkateswaraa University is incorporated by a group of visionaries with vast experience and expertise in higher education and Healthcare
The University intents to establish Collegesof Excellence in Medical Education, Agriculture Science, Applied Science, Humanities, Law, Management and Fine Arts.
To begin with, the University has established its constituent colleges in Medical Education and Agriculture Science in its campuses

Mr B Ramachandran
Founder Chancellor
ARR Charitable Trust
The broad and futuristic vision of the sponsoring body ARR Charitable Trust is to create the infrastructure and mobilize the resources that will build a true knowledge destination in the fields of Medicine, Applied Science, Agriculture, Law, Fine Arts and Management.
Sri Venkateswaraa University would continuously invest in the personal and professional development of student community & faculty members by creating a learning conducive ecosystem which would facilitate the exchange of knowledge at different levels. These continuous efforts would produce leaders across Healthcare, Engineering, Science, humanities, Agriculture, Managementand legal studies. The Faculty and student body would be committed to Research and Development both in core and multidisciplinary areas leveraging the wide array of Schools the University would develop